Post-Braids Care: How to Treat Your Hair After Taking Braids Out

Detangling hair

Taking braids out can be an exciting and liberating moment. After having your hair styled in braids for weeks or even months, it can be a relief to finally take them out and give your hair some breathing space. 

However, figuring out what to do with your hair after taking braids out can be a daunting task. The good news is that with the right techniques and products, you can make the transition from braids to your natural hair a smooth and easy one.

6 Essential Tips for Properly Caring for Your Hair After Removing Braids

Hair after braids have been taken out
Instagram / @poupee_kinky

When hair is braided, it is held tightly in place, which can cause stress on the hair follicles and scalp. Braids if left on for too long can cause tangling and matting of the hair, which can be difficult to detangle and lead to hair breakage if not properly handled.

Here are some tips on what to do with your hair after taking braids out:

1. Detangle your hair

Before doing anything else, you need to detangle your hair. Depending on how long you had your braids in, your hair may be matted or tangled, which can cause breakage and damage if not dealt with carefully. 

Efficiently taking down your braids can make the subsequent detangling process smoother by providing your hair with the necessary slip. 

As part of the takedown process, you would typically use a detangling spray, leave-in conditioner, or oils to facilitate unraveling and detangling. These moisturizing products can be helpful in the detangling process. If you happen to skip moisturizing during the takedown process, you can add these products to your hair before detangling.

To detangle your hair, start by using your fingers to gently separate your hair into small sections. Then, use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush to carefully comb through each section, starting from the ends and working your way up. Be patient and gentle, and don’t tug or pull too hard on any knots or tangles. Afterward, give your hair a good wash.

2. Deep condition your hair

Deep conditioning is essential for post-braid hair care because braids can cause damage to your hair. After removing braids, your hair may feel dry, brittle, and weak. This is because braids can strip your hair of moisture and natural oils, leaving it prone to breakage and split ends. Deep conditioning helps to restore moisture and nourishment to your hair, making it soft, smooth, and healthy.

Deep conditioning also helps to repair any damage caused by braids, such as split ends or hair breakage. By penetrating the hair shaft and providing intense hydration, deep conditioning can help to strengthen your hair and prevent future damage.

In addition to restoring moisture and repairing damage, deep conditioning can also help to promote hair growth. When your hair is well-hydrated and healthy, it is less likely to break and more likely to grow longer and stronger.

Deep conditioning involves using a hair mask or conditioner that is left on the hair for an extended period to deeply nourish and hydrate the hair. Look for a deep conditioner that contains natural ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, or honey, as these ingredients are known for their moisturizing properties.

Apply the conditioner to your hair and cover your head with a shower cap or plastic wrap. Leave the conditioner on for at least 30 minutes (or longer, if possible), and then rinse it out thoroughly with warm water.

3. Trim your ends

Trimming the ends of your hair after taking out braids is a good idea to remove any split or damaged ends that may have occurred while your hair was in braids. Trimming the ends of your hair will help to promote healthy hair growth, as it removes any damaged and split ends, which can prevent hair breakage and thinning.

After adequately detangling hair, divide your hair into small sections, using hair clips or hair ties to keep each section in place. Take one section at a time and carefully trim the ends of your hair with hair shears or scissors. You can trim as much or as little as you need, depending on how much damage you see.

After trimming each section, take a step back and examine your hair to see if you need to trim more. Make sure that you are trimming each section evenly to avoid uneven hair length. Once you’ve trimmed all of the sections, go over your hair again to make sure that you didn’t miss any split ends.

Remember, it’s important to use sharp hair shears or scissors when trimming your hair to prevent split ends and to avoid using regular household scissors, as they can cause more damage to your hair. If you’re not comfortable trimming your hair on your own, consider visiting a professional hairstylist for a trim.

4. Moisturize Regularly 

After deep conditioning and trimming your hair, it’s important to moisturize it regularly. Moisturizing your hair helps to prevent breakage and keep your hair healthy and strong. 

Look for a moisturizing product that is specifically formulated for your hair type – for example, if you have natural hair, look for a product that is designed for curly or oily hair. Apply the moisturizer to your hair daily, paying special attention to the ends, which tend to be the driest part of the hair.

5. Protect your hair at night

When you’re sleeping, your hair can become tangled and matted, which can cause breakage and damage. To protect your hair at night, consider wearing a satin or silk scarf or bonnet. These materials are gentler on the hair than cotton or other materials, and they help to prevent frizz and breakage. Alternatively, you can sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase, which has the same benefits.

6. Avoid heat styling

After taking braids out, your hair may be more vulnerable to damage from heat-styling tools like flat irons or curling irons. To keep your hair healthy and strong, it’s best to avoid heat styling altogether or minimize your usage of heat. 

If you do need to use a heat styling tool, make sure to use a heat protectant spray or serum ensuring all the sections of your hair are thoroughly coated to minimize the effect of exposure to heat.

Do’s and Don’ts for Post-Braid Care

After removing braids, it is important to take proper care of your hair to ensure it stays healthy and strong. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind for post-braid hair maintenance:


  • Do deep condition your hair to restore moisture and nourishment.
  • Do use a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle your hair.
  • Do trim any split ends to prevent further damage.
  • Do wear protective styles to avoid over-manipulating your hair.
  • Do wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo to avoid stripping it of natural oils.
  • Do give your hair a break between protective styles to avoid tension on your scalp.
  • Do massage your scalp regularly to promote hair growth.


  • Don’t use heat styling tools right away, as they can cause further damage to your hair.
  • Don’t neglect to wash your hair, as this can lead to buildup and scalp irritation.
  • Don’t over-manipulate your hair, as this can cause breakage and damage.
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals or dyes on your hair, as they can be damaging and drying.
  • Don’t wear tight hairstyles that can cause tension on your scalp and lead to hair loss.
  • Don’t forget to protect your hair while sleeping, by wearing a silk or satin scarf or bonnet.
  • Don’t skip regular trims, as this can lead to split ends and breakage.

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